Friday 7 February 2014


Breakfast : 
35g oats (hexB) made with water
2tsp sweetner (f)
250ml semi-skimmed milk (hexA) 

Potato frittata
1 baking potato, finely diced (f)
lean ham (f)
1 pepper (sf)
1 large mushroom (f)
2 eggs (f)

Snacks and Drinks
Coffee (f)
Diet orangeade (f)
Choc options (+2 syns)
Alpen light bars dubchoc(+2.5 syns)

couscous (f)
Chicken (f)
mushroom sauce (f) thickened with xantham gum (f) and guar gum (f)
Frozen mixed veg - broccoli, cauli, carrots (sf)
Choc options (+2 syns)
Alpen light bars choc/fudge (+2.5 syns)

Total 9 syns

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