Wednesday 22 January 2014


Breakfast : 

3 weetabix (hexB, +3 syns)
1tsp sugar (+1 syn)
150ml skimmed milk (hexA) + 200ml reserved for coffee

Chicken and mushroom noodles
1/2 chicken breast (f)
Mushrooms (sf)
spring onions (sf)
handful of spinach leaves (sf)
bacon medallions (f)
1/2 stock cube (f)
1/2 tsp cornflour (+1 syns)
1/4 tsp xanthan gum (f)
1/4 tsp umami powder (f)
1 layer noodles (f)

Snacks and Drinks
Coffee (f)
coffee with splash milk (+0.5 syns)
Mega-cup of choc options (+5 syns)

* very hungry at 1030pm, so finished off half-portion of lunch from earlier.

Meatballs, tomato sauce, and pasta (0.25 syns)
Pineapple and strawberry mousse dessert (+1.5 syns)

Total 12  syns

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