Sunday 19 January 2014


Breakfast : 
35g oats (hexB)
Muller light youghurt (f)
Raspberries (sf)
fat-free fromage frais (f)

little gem Lettice (sf)
mixed leaf salad (sf)
chicken breast (f)

Snacks and Drinks
3 Coffee with semi-skimmed milk (+1.5 syns)
Skinny latte (+6 syns)
Alpen light bar (+3 syns)
1 choc options (+2 syns)

Boiled rice (f)
peas (f)
carrots (sf)
green beans (sf)
SW sweet sour chicken (+0.5 syns)
Onions (sf)
Diet orangeade (f)
stock cube (f)
1 tsp cornflour ( 2 syns / 4)
1/2 tsp xanthan gum (f)
Chicken (f)

Nearly forgot!
30g cheddar cheese (hexA)
1 apple

Total 13  syns

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