Thursday 9 January 2014


Day two.
Breakfast : 
3 weetabix (hexB, +3 syns)
1tsp sugar (+1 syn)
200ml skimmed milk (hexA) + 150ml reserved for coffee

Lunch :
Note: late this morning, forgot to bring anything. No excuse!
Waitrose essential mixed salad (Lettuce) (sf) 100g for £1.00
Waitrose British cooked chicken breast slices - (f) 200g for £3.00 (enough for 2 days, at least)
Muller light yogurt - strawberry (f)
Note to self : bring cooked chicken from home next time! way cheaper!

Snacks and drinks:
2 x coffee with semi-skimmed milk  (+1 syn)
1 tsp cocoa (+0.5 syns) with sweetener and milk (+0.5 syn)

Alpen light choc/fudge (3 syns)
Belgan choc options (2 syns)

1 cup boiled rice (f)
1 cup beef stew recipe
1 Muller light strawberry yoghurt (f)

Total 11.5 syns

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