Wednesday 8 January 2014


Day one.
Breakfast : 
3 weetabix (hexB, +3 syns)
1tsp sugar (+1 syn)
200ml skimmed milk (hexA)

Lunch :
Lettice (sf)
Mushrooms (sf) - cooked in a splash of hot water in non-stick pan
3 bacon medallions, trimmed (f)
1 egg (f)
1 slice brown toast (+4 syns)

Snacks and drinks:
scanbran cake (0.5 syns)
diet lemonade
coffee (+1 syn because of an accidental sugar )

Alpen light choc/fudge (3 syns)
Belgan choc options (2 syns)

Chicken breast, sous vide (f)
Schwartz chargrill chicken seasoning (f)
Mashed potatoes (no butter, remaining skimmed milk) (f)
Carrots (sf)
Peas (f)
Leeks boiled with a stock cube and splash of water (sf)
Muller light vanilla (f)

Shopping tonight for more vegetables :)

Total 14.5 syns

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